
Friday, 31 July 2015

he aha tenel?

He aha tēnei?
He karakotaera tēnā.

ā ē ī ō ū

He aha tēnei?

He pahi tēnā.

ā ē ī ō ū

He aha tēnei?
He kanga tēnā.

ā ē ī ō ū

He aha tēnei?
He tiere tēnā.

ā ē ī ō ū

He aha tēnei?
He makawe tēnā.

ā ē ī ō ū

He aha tēnei?
He tarere tēnā.

ā ē ī ō ū


i did well but i can do better

speed typing test

this is what i got but i can do better.

Thursday, 30 July 2015


Title:The BFG 

Author: Roald dahl

Genre: Adventure.

Summary: the BFG is a great book its about how
a little girl that meets a friendily giant and they become best friends.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

pepole looking at my blog

this is how many people have been looking at my blog. 

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Main star own choice

This is a piece of my own choice writing for my main stars 
It is a Narrative

once upon a time there was a girl named Anna and she was a princess she liked swimming dancing and a whole lot of other stuff that  I don't want to mention. anyway my best friend Heidi is coming over to my castle and my room is not clean
it has to be spotless well we are going to dress up so i better 
get the stuff but them there's my room its way bigger then my wardrobe so i should clean my room first here she is and my room is not clean!!!!  I will have to clean it later nah it will get messy anyway because we are having a slumber party so i guess we could have a pillow fight now!!!! 

how to comment on my blog

to comment on sombodys blog you have to go on to their blog and then you will look for a post you want to comment on and then down under the post their is a button that says comment and you click that then it will have a box and you click that then it will let you type so you type a nice comment.

Quality comments-  a quality comment is a comment which is nice and good it has a ending and a start like this Aloha jessie i love your blog keep the great work up bye.

Home learing

What i like about home work-  i like home work because its on a chromebook  and it is not as hard as doing it on paper.

Why home learning is good- home learing helps you learn and gets your brain working if you do not do home work you might not be smart. For when your older and you need a job.

Team time- you get on team time if you do your homework.

home learning is fun it also helps your brain working 
you have to be on your best behaviour to get on team time.